
Sunday 1 September 2024

SYW at Partizan 2

 I still have a lot to get done for the Partizan show in October!

However,  I thought I would share the progress. 

I will be using a modified set of the March of Eagles rules by Barry Hilton. The main changes I have made are..

1)Firing/combat groups of 6 figures and not 4.

2)Brigades activate alternative rather than units.

3) The character traits are now in a fate deck that is delt at begining of turns.

4) Units take a resolve test after 6 casualties (a firing group is lost).

5) Bn guns are brigade assets and attached to units as close support. The give a unit and extra firing group.

6) A fate deck of special event cards are dealt out at the beginning of each turn.

These changes make it a longer game than the original rules intended but it fits our gaming style.

Thursday 22 August 2024

2nd bn of the 9th

 Just finished the 2nd bn of the Napoleonic Spanish regiment that I have been working on. 

These are 32man regiments for the Spanish and 36man units for the French.  The eventual plan is to have skirmishers for every bn.

Figures are Perry miniatures. The French are Warlord Games plastic with Perry Miniatures commands.

I'm working towards having the following for the Spanish.

2 x 32 figure Line, 1 x 24 figure Militia, 12 Skirmishers,  a light gun, a 12 figure unit of Dragoons and a brigade Command base.

This will allow me to get gaming using the 'March of Eagles' rules.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Napoleonic Peninsular

 Some photos to show the progress of the Napoleonic Peninsular project.

The plan is to go for a small brigade of Spanish and a brigade of French as the first step.

Thursday 8 August 2024


 A unit of Napoleonic Spanish I painted. 1st bn of the 9th. Perry Miniatures.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Might and Reason

My thanks to Colin Davidson for taking me through the 'Might and Reason ' rules today.  We had a great game. Prussian victory in the end.  Here are some pictures from the game.

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Zorndorf daydreaming

Thought I would set out a new stretch goal for myself to achieve with the Seven Years War project.

I'm using a slightly modified orbat for the battle of Zorndorf scenario published in the 'Might and Reason' rules.

Here is my checklist of what is done and still to be painted.

I will update this in a few weeks time to see how things have progressed.

 Russian Army: Fermor (Average).

Saltykov (0)

1x Grenadiers: Done.

4x Musketeers; Done.

2x Heavy Artillery: Done.

Gallitzin (0)

1x Grenadiers: Unpainted.

4x Musketeers:Done

2x Heavy Artillery: Unpainted 

Browne (0)

3x Musketeers: Done

1x Grenadiers: Unpainted.

1x Heavy Artillery: Unpainted.

Demiku (+1)

2x Hussars: Unpainted.

2x Cuirassiers (6 SPs each): Unpainted.

Gaugreben (-1)

1x Cuirassiers (6 SPs): Done.

1x Hussars; Unpainted.

2x Cossacks: Unpainted.

Prussian Army: Frederick (Great)

Manteuffel * (+1)

2x Grenadiers: Done.

Seydlitz * (+1) V

1x Cuirassiers: Done.

1x Dragoons: Unpainted. 

2x Hussars: 1 painted and 1 unpainted.

Dohna (+1) V

1x Grenadiers: Unpainted.

3x Musketeers: Painted.

1x Fusiliers: Painted.

Kanitz (0)

2x Musketeer: 1 Painted and 1 unpainted. 

1x Fusiliers: Painted.

Bieberstein (0) V

2x Dragoons: Unpainted.

Schorlemer (+1)

2x Cuirassiers: Unpainted.

5x Heavy Artillery (under Frederick):1 Painted and 4 unpainted.

Here is my collection so far..

As of today I have..


11 x 30man Russian Infantry units and 1 x 12 figure currasier unit.


8 x 30man Prussian Infantry, 1 x small Hussars and 1 x Currasiers.

I will extend my games table to a 6 by 12 for this game.

Setting up the toys

 A couple of photos of the toys set up for a game and photo shoot.

The Medieval collection. Claymore Castings.

Seven years war set up for using the 'Might and Reason ' rules tomorrow. All Claymore Castings with Foundry Cavalry.

I had great fun setting up these tables today.  I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's game.
